I know it’s been some time since my last post, believe me, I don’t need to be reminded. In the meantime, as loose proof that I have actually been able to find some time to devote to the Architecture of Fear, pick up a copy of VOLUME magazine, Issue #15. Included with this issue is a special supplement on Kabul and the RSVP event that took place this past October. Take a look at two articles written by yours truly. The first, “Rattling the Gates; A Guide Through Secure Zones in Kabul” chronicles an afternoon’s adventure through the gated secure zones of embassies and taunting men with Kalishnakovs. The second is a small piece, a suggestion really, for a project called “Urban Canvas”, a proposal which calls for the city’s miles and miles of blank walls which divide and alienate the city be subverted by making them a canvas ready to accept and broadcast the inhabitants voices. Take a look.